Grainne Delaney Holistic Health

Grainne Delaney is a fully qualified and insured Holistic Health Therapist.

Within each and every one of us is our inherent ability to heal, no one else can do it for us. However we all at some time or other need outside help and direction to achieve this. Somatic based therapeutic practices with the guidance and experience of the therapist can provide the support we need to access more fully our own inherent health and healing wisdom bringing us closer to a wholeness of health and wellbeing.

Grainne has worked as a therapist since 2003, she has been teaching since 2012 and has worked with many companies and organizations over the years offering experiential workshops of somatic mindfulness meditation, movement practices and relaxation techniques.

Contact Grainne if you are involved with a group or organization and would like to have a bespoke package designed especially for your group.


Grainne is passionate about helping people to return to good health. Our mind and body are connected, there is no seperation, and all the therpeautic modalities Grainne works with honour this, they are somatic based therapies. Honouring the wisdom of our body to guide us back home to health and wellness. She has years of experience in the field of somatic based trauma recovery and holds a safe therpeautic space for all.


Clinic Address
Wharton House

  • 8 Catherine Street
    Tel: 087-1314008

NRRI – National Register of Reflexologists Ireland.

CSTA – Cranioscaral Therapy Association UK

RBSCT – Registered Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapist

Private Health Insurance Approved Therapist

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©2023 Grainne Delaney Holistic Health Clinic for Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy, Meditation, Kinesiology, Reflexology, & Chakra Self Healing.
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